Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Interview w/ MC Homeless

Matt a.k.a MC Homeless
Cover of the split 12" with Homicide
Band hip-hop D.I.Y yang berasal dari Youngstown, Ohio ini memulai perjalanannya dengan aktif di beberapa acara Punk. Merepresentasikan masalah-masalah sosial seperti konsumerisme, krisis lingkungan, dan imperialisme. Lirik tipikal Black Flag, Poison Idea, Crass, Jedi Mind Tricks, dibalut dengan beat hip-hop ala Freestyle Fellowship, KRS One, Public Enemy yang tidak sekedarnya. Merilis debut albumnya "Trapped Under an Ohio Sky" di tahun 2005 silam dan split 12" dengan band fenomenal bandung Homicide yang dirilis oleh Dis.eased Record. Bulan november kemarin merilis album terbarunya bertitle "27" yang dinaungi oleh Milled Pavement record.

Cover of  "Trapped Under an Ohio Sky"

What do you want to make someone thinking of with using the name "MC Homeless"?
Homeless: I dont want to misguide people with my name but they will think what they want, regardless.  My most asked question is "are you really homeless?".  I actually have some homeless fans but I have also offended some homeless people as well.  The name just sort of fits my lifestyle of travel although it started out as a joke.

Cover of the new album "27"
How about the making of your debut album "Trapped Under Ohio Sky"? And anyone involved in it?
Homeless: I recorded that album in 2005, mostly in Kent,Ohio while I was still a student.  I was trying to find my style on that album and it shaped up to be pretty interesting and surprisingly well received in the DIY underground.  As far as people involved in it, Chrismick and Doug Dennis of Knuckles and Nipples recorded most of it.  I collaborated with alot of my friends on that album like Chrismick, Geneva B, Ceschi Ramos, K-The-I???, Mic Ra and a few others as well.

Can you tell me about many things you spread through your songs from that album? i see there's a matter of political and criticism in it.
Homeless: I was definitely interested in spreading the idea of hope for a better world at the time.  I talked about police brutality, American imperialism, the environmental crisis, consumerism, war, etc.   I said what I needed to say on that album so theres no need to beat a dead horse in the future and do a repeat album. 

Are your lyrics based from your life experiences?
Homeless: My new album "27" is completely personal to the point where it makes me feel kind of naked and vulnerable.  Its definitely not a tough-guy,macho posturing hip hop album. My debut album, "Trapped Under An Ohio Sky" was a mix of the personal and political.  I mostly pulled from my own experiences and feelings though.  I didnt want to write generic, sloganeering political lyrics so I added my own perspective. 

Why do you interested to playing hip-hop music even though your references are many hardcore punk band?
Homeless: I grew up on hip hop music but started to get into punk in the mid nineties.  Hip hop seemed boring at the time and I was really sick of the materialistic lyrics that had nothing to do with my life.  I'm not rich so why is it cool for me to listen to someone brag about money?  I dived right back into hip hop in the late nineties and early two thousands though.  I saw that all this time there was a healthy and vibrant hip hop underground filled with intelligent and critical thinkers, using interesting styles.  I guess I can thank the internet for that.   

You've doing tour to some cities and playing in many good show, What experience do you get from that all?
Homeless: I am trying to see the world and build up a fanbase and support network at a grassroots level.  I am my own manager, my own booking agent,publicist, etc.  At times its really fulfulling and at times it sucks and you feel like nobody really gets it.  Essentially, everybody wants to feel understood and appreciated.  Theres no way that I would see Eastern Europe or get to travel like I have if I didn't have my music so I am really grateful.  I have had incredible experiences and it doesnt matteer if I am ever rich and famous or on MTV because I have already done what some people would deem as close to impossible.

Recommend some releases are you current consumption and referenced.
Homeless: I have been listening to alot of different music lately.  As far as hip hop, I think Milled Pavement,Fake Four and maybe one or two other labels are the only ones putting out interesting stuff. If there is more, I apologize.  I dont know everything! I would recomment that people also pick up Paper Cranes by PT Burnem.  As far as non hip-hop, I have been listening to alot of Lemuria,Total Abuse and Warpaint.

Any last word.
Homeless: Check out my new album "27", out now on Milled Pavement here http://www.milledpavement.com/MP035.html .  Also download some free MC Homeless albums at http://ugsmag.com/2009/12/mc-homeless-still-trapped/  and  http://www.diseasedrecords.com/pages/homeless.htm  .  Email me at mchomeless@hotmail.com or follow "mc homeless" on facebook to be in touch.  I try to write everybody back that writes me.  Also, I really want to play in Indonesia!!!!

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Interview w/ From Ashes Rise

Beberapa waktu lalu saya sempat menulis review tentang rilisan terbaru dari From Ashes Rise yang berjudul Live Hell. Dan baru beberapa hari yang lalu saya memiliki waktu untuk meng-interview salah satu personalnya, Brad Boathright. Melalui e-mail saya hanya menanyakan beberapa hal yang saya ingin tahu dan hal baru di rilisan terbaru mereka. Salah satu band D-beat yang rilisannya sering saya konsumsi setelah His Hero Is Gone dan Tragedy.

Me: What new things that distinguish "Live Hell" with previous releases such as "Concrete and still" and "Nightmare"?
Brad: Well, of course it's live, which I think captures any band in their most primal, energetic form. It's also the only recording so far with Derek on bass, who is still in the band.
Me: I've read your lyrics, it represent about reality and problems of society. Is this the way how you spreading your ideas with playing music?
Brad: I'd say it's more a way of channeling our frustrations and observations.
Me: Why do you interested to spread your idea?
Brad: Anyone is going to want to communicate how they feel. We have no intention of spreading any dogma or ideas as much as we do singing about what lies at the core of what we feel grating on us everyday. Our  lyrics have always been observations that deconstruct, as opposed to laying out a philosophy.

Me:  How do you describe your sound? it's like Political Hardcore Punk.
Brad: Metal tinged hardcore punk
Me: Mention any bands that influences you in musicality.
Brad: Black sabbath, neurosis, metallics, corrosion of conformity, the list is endless. 

Me: Tell me about your scene in Portland, Oregon
Brad: Very diverse, lots of transplants and very tight. It's a very small town really, with a pretty large scene.

Link : www.myspace.com/fromashesrise 

Interview by Alvien Morissey
Solo, Oktober 2010

Interview w/ Electronical Destruction

CD Demo Preview, diedarkan terbatas.
Aji Moralez, Benjo, dan Dimaz a.k.a Dimcil

Electronic Nintendocore!!! Itulah yang terlintas di benak saya ketika mendengarkan lagu-lagu mereka. Melibatkan personal seperti Aji Moralez (Dancing With Flame), Benjo (The Love Ballads Massacre, Sickness Comics) dan Dimaz. Sempat merilis EP yang berjudul Hit! Hit! Hit! dan Split EP dengan band asal Texas,I Killed Techno. Di bulan agustus kemarin mereka membuat video klip dari lagu Since A Damned Nightmare Chained Myself yang di produseri oleh Baskoro L.P (ex. Before and After). Kini pun mereka mulai melebarkan sayap dengan aktif di beberapa show di Solo tentunya. Sembari mendengarkan beberapa lagu, saya memulai interview ini.

Filosofi kalian memakai nama Electronical Destruction.. 
- Aji Moralez: Menghancurkan nada-nada Electronic yang pada intinya yaa.. berantakan, tapi menjadi suatu nada yang bisa dicerna. hehe ...
- Benjo: Karena kami bermaksud mengusung musikalitas yang bersifat "alternatif" dan belum bisa dinikmati bagi beberapa kalangan. 
- Dimaz: Sebenarnya tidak ada filosofi khusus, tapi ide pemberian nama datang dari Irfan. Dia ingin memakai nama "electronical destruction" karena memang proyek ini ada hanya untuk merusak, dan mengacaukan musik elektronik... hahah ...

Apa saja hal yang menopang kalian dalam menciptakan sebuah musik yang dinilai keluar dari "jalur yang sudah ada(bersifat instan dan jauh dari spekulasi)" ? 
- Aji Moralez: Karena kita mengomposisikan nada-nada yang bisa dibilang aneh atau berantakan. 
- Benjo: Mencoba mencari sebuah hal baru yang aneh karena kita orangnya juga aneh. :D 
- Dimaz:kami mempunyai kesenangan sendiri, dan selera sendiri-sendiri dalam menyenangkan telinga kami.      Dan dalam kesehariannya, terkadang kami stuck/ merasa jenuh dengan yang sudah-sudah. Jadi timbul niat untuk menghadirkan sesuatu yang berbeda. Walau basic-nya sama dengan beberapa band yang sudah lebih dahulu melejit, tapi kami berusaha menawarkan apa yang ada di dalam "kami". Jadi, rasa tidak puas dan keinginan untuk mengeksplorasi musik lah yang menopang kami. 

Imej apa yang ingin kalian bangun dengan nama "Electronical Destruction"? 
- Aji Moralez: Musik electronic yang berbeda dari musik-musik electronic yang ada. 
- Benjo: Yang jelas kita tidak akan pernah seserius seperti band-band electronic lainnya... "Why So Serious?" .. hahahaha..LOL 
- Dimaz: Tak bisa dipungkiri imej penting, tetapi malahan kami tidak begitu memperhatikan "imej", karena biar "pencitraan" itu sendiri dilempar kemasyarakat, dan membiarkan mereka yg menilai bagaimana "ED". Kami hanya berusaha jujur dalam membawakannya. 

Sebutkan apa yang kalian jadikan referensi, band dan bukan band... 
- Aji Moralez: Kalau band yaa Atari Teenage Riot dan Converge, kalau yang bukan sekumpulan puisi wiji thukul 
- Benjo: Band seperti Charles Bronson, Spazz, Magrudergrind, WxHxN, Scholastic Death, Tragedy, Champion, Refused, H20,Surf Nazis Must Die, Unabomber, He Who Corrupts, The Locust, Shai Hulud dan mungkin sedikit cinta dan kasih sayang. 
- Dimaz: I am error, kehidupan nyata 

Saya sudah membaca lirik lagu kalian yang berjudul "My Girlfriend ex-Bitch". Apakah itu merupakan bentuk kekesalan kalian terhadap kaum hawa? 
- Aji Moralez: Saya sudah kesal dengan wanita yang saya dekati karena mereka hanya menyakiti hati saya, dan saya sangat kaget ketika saya tahu dia adalah wanita yang suka menjajakan tubuhnya demi beberapa lembar uang setelah dia memuaskan birahi orang lain.. "Ouh Yeah-Ouh Yeah Darling" LOL :D 
- Benjo: Mungkin ada sedikit penyesalan. :( 
- Dimaz: Coba, tanyakan kepada Irfan ataupun Aji yang sepertinya lebih tau awal-mula mereka mempunyai ide membuat lagu ini. Hahahahaha 

Ceritakan tentang proses penggarapan video klip "Since A Damned Nightmare Chained Myself. 
- Aji Moralez: Lumayan lama karena cuaca yang tidak mendukung di waktu itu dan yang tiba-tiba turun hujan jadi proses pembuatannya agak terganggu, sebenarnya konsep yang diambil sangat simple tapi, cuman keadaan cuaca saja yang membuat tertunda dan agak melelahkan, 
- Benjo: Yah, memang sedikit melelahkan. 
- Dimaz: Sempat bermasalah dengan cuaca, yang ketika itu direncanakan akan dibuat di ruangan terbuka, dan sempat hujan juga, walau pada akhirnya penggarapan dibuat malam-dini hari. Tapi cukup menyenangkan ,sebuah pengalaman baru bagi kami pribadi. 

Dalam internal kalian, siapa sih yang sering mengkonsep lagu? 
- Aji Moralez: Irfan a.k.a Benjo. 
- Benjo: Untuk lirik Dimaz. 
- Dimaz: Semula hanya saya dan irfan, tetapi ketika saya harus pindah kota, maka musik irfan+aji, saya hanya lirik. 

Harapan kalioan kedepannya dengan Electronical Destruction.. 
- Aji Moralez: Yaah, ingin lebih baik dari sebelumnya yang jelas lebih punya POWER. 
- Benjo: Mungkin jadi lebih baik, terkonsep, dan lebih berbobot. 
- Dimaz: Ga muluk mas, lebih bisa diterima masyarakat. Dalam artian, kalian mau menyempatkan waktu untuk mendengarkan pun merupakan suatu penghargaan buat kami. 

Apa yang kalian pikirkan jika ada yang meng-klaim kalian bahwa kalian adalah boys band? 
- Aji Moralez: Wah kesalahan besar. Boro-boro boys band, tampang aja pas-pas an. :D 
- Benjo: Bebas orang mau berpikir apa, yang penting seperti inilah kami. 
- Dimaz: Berarti kami dianggap ganteng oleh mereka. Wakakakakaka! 

Rekomendasikan rilisan-rilisan yang kalian konsumsi saat ini. 
- Aji: V.A Possesed to skate,sebuah kompilasi yang menampilkan band-band seperti Charles Bronson dan lainnya. 
- Benjo: Kylesa "Spiral Shadow", Converge "No Heroes". 
- Dimaz: We butter the bread with butter, "das monster aus dem schrank" 

Link: www.myspace.com/electronicaldestruction
        Facebook (group) : Electronical Destruction

Link for:
Video Clip "Since A Damned Nightmare Chained Myself" 

Interview by Alvien Morissey 
Solo, Oktober 2010...

Rabu, 22 September 2010

An Interview w/ Jacob Bannon of Converge

Seorang lyricist yang kelam dan sarcastic, yang membicarakan perihal perasaan dan kemarahan yang menjadi alur dari roman kehidupan. Juga vokalis dari band chaotic metal/hardcore, Converge. Salah satu pemilik Deathwish.inc ini memiliki peran yang penting dalam proses penggarapan cover album dan poster  dari band-band seperti Integrity, Doom Riders, Meltdown, dan juga Trapthem. Pengaruhnya dan kontribusinya di beberapa acara dan diskusi mengenai artwork menjadikannya begitu fenomenal menurut saya. Dan baru kali ini saya memiliki waktu untuk menginterviewnya melalui e-mail.

Hi Jake, What have you done lately?
JB : Working on art and music projects mainly.
What new things that you show in the albums "Axe To Fall"?
JB: I'm not sure, I guess that would be more up to listeners to decide/critique. For me, it's simply another Converge album.  With each one we progress and grow a bit, and I see this album as having those qualities as well.

Me: I think, the lyrics of the songs from Converge always talk about anger, failure, romance. What inspired you to write it?
JB: They are just stories and observations based in my life experience. I think they have a slew of different emotions in them.

Me: Who influenced you in writing?
JB: Not one really. I try to just create something that is of my own making.  There's definitely bands and artists that I dig, but I don't necessarily write in their specific styles.

Me: Besides you are involved in a band, you are also involved in the process of creating designs that were used as cover in some band's album. What made you interested to do this?
JB: It's something that I've enjoyed doing since I was a kid. I'm in a fortunate position to have worked with a variety of interesting artists throughout the years.

Me: I think the concept of your art is a specific part of a "gloom", but what you feel like that?
JB: It depends on the project I suppose. I create what is called for in a project.

Me: What you are looking for from what you are doing so far? what a form of pleasure?
JB: I am not looking for anything. If I can create something positive personally, or help get another band some visibility and exposure that I feel they deserve, then that's a positive. In doing those things, I get a sense of fulfillment out of what I do, and that's a positive.

Me: What is your next plan with Converge?
JB: No plans, we just take things one day at a time for the most part. We just arrived home from tour, so we are taking some time to adjust into regular daily life now.

Me: Mention something that makes you feel worthy of living!
JB: You and what you do with your life define own sense of purpose. You need to be something worthy of living as no one is going to live for you.

Me: Okay, Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.
JB: Thanks again for your time.

Link : www.jacobbannon.com

On Sep 8, 2010, at 2:57 PM
Interview by Alvien Morissey